Getting Started
Want to know about it first? Of course! See here!
Good network
Node.js v18 or higher
Package manager
shell# corepack is included with Node.js and does not need to be installed manually corepack prepare --all --activate && corepack enable
Tips for yarn
It is a good idea to set
nodeLinker: "node_modules"
, as this effectively avoids breaking existing projects and also avoids phantom dependencies.You don't need to set for yarn v1.
Tips for pnpm
It is a good idea to set
, as this effectively avoids breaking existing projects and also avoids phantom dependencies.A new project
- @modyqyw/fabric does not consider support for older projects. You can try to access it gradually, but there is no guarantee of absolute success.
- Use the Composition API if you want to develop Vue projects.
- Use the new JSX transformations and hooks if you want to develop React projects.
A Unix-like terminal
- If you're using Windows, consider using Git Bash (which comes with your Git installation).
- If you are using Linux or macOS, consider using the terminal that comes with your system.
Use the terminal to open the corresponding project directory and execute the command to install the dependencies.
npm install @modyqyw/fabric -D
yarn add @modyqyw/fabric -D
pnpm install @modyqyw/fabric -D
bun install @modyqyw/fabric -d
That's it! Next, you can configure the project to suit your needs.
Tips for usage
This library does not provide out-of-the-box configuration for LESS, Svelte, Lit, Angular, etc., but you should be able to easily add support following the guidelines.
Of course, you can also configure your project using the CLI (available starting with v10.3), which allows you to quickly configure your project with a single command.
mf -h # See how to use it
mf --all # Configure all options
mf --prettier # configure prettier only
Tips for usage
@modyqyw/fabric does not consider support for older projects. This may break your old project if you use the CLI directly to quickly configure it on the old project!